Saturday, December 15, 2012

Am I a horrible blogger or what?

I can't seem to remember to keep posting in my blog. I am a bad, bad blogger. :)

So since it's been about a decade since I posted I might as well catch up a bit.

Stopped eating grains and felt good.
Started eating grains again and felt crappy.
Considered the idea that I may have Celiac or at least a gluten allergy.
Did some experimenting and got sick every time I ate wheat products or anything with gluten.

FINALLY made a doc appointment coming up on the 17th to get tested, and in the mean time have been glutenating myself for the past 3 weeks and hating life. My body has been screaming for me to go back to my healthy primal way of eating, but if I want the test to make a difference, I have to eat bread.

On a good note, I did cheat on the glutenating and went primal for a day this week. Got to have a grilled, grass fed beef patty. The half steer I ordered was finally done and the meat packed in my freezer on Wednesday. I made bone broth with the ox tail (it has to simmer for 24 hours!), and tried a tasty new recipe for cauliflower and butternut squash risotto. I didn't touch grains or carbs till later in the day. When I got the real food in me, I swear my body perked up. Instead of feeling fatigued I had energy. It was awesome. I can't wait till the testing is over and I can go back to my healthy meals.

So for now I'm going to have some bone broth every day (it's good tasting and good for you!), and try to eat good veggies, meats, and lots of water and tea. Hopefully that will help counter the other ickiness that is going on, but I doubt it. Once I'm over this hump, I think it will be easier to stay on track and start losing weight again. Even if I don't have a gluten allergy, or Celiac I am still going to avoid bread and grains in general. Though I do like millet, and will occasionally have polenta made with the organic, stone ground, gluten free cornmeal I bought. But that will have to wait till I get my body back into "regenerating health" mode.

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