I jumped on the scale this morning and it was 5lbs lighter than just 3 days ago. It is hard not to get excited to see the scale go down, but when it's coupled with clothes fitting looser I tend to want to do a happy dance.
My glucose is still too high in the morning, but it's lower by more than 100pts from what it used to be during my three weeks of glutenating. Today it was 184. Apparently there is a reason I'm high in the morning. During the night my liver thinks I'm fasting (which really, I am since I try not to eat anything at all after 8pm, and typically get up at 6 or 7am) so it releases stored glycogen. I'm insulin resistant still, so all that sugar basically floats around, and my numbers get high. This is pretty common even in people without diabetes, but their insulin works right so they never notice the flux.
With the way I'm eating ( my only carbs coming from fiber packed veggies) and my weight lifting and HIIT training, my insulin resistance should eventually stop. I have to lose enough stored fat to get things working more normal though.
When I was on metformin after first getting diagnosed with type 2 in 2007, my blood sugar was still higher than it is now. That was because I listened to my doctor and the diabetes video they gave me. Most doctors promote, sadly enough, a diet high in carbohydrates for a diabetic! Whole grains get broken down into glucose. Hello? Too much glucose bad for type 2 diabetics mmmkay.
When out of desperation (and lack of health insurance to get meds) I went to a more Primal way of eating, and I saw an instant improvement in how I felt, started losing weight, not to mention my numbers were getting lower. I was drinking real raw milk with most of the cream still in it (I was skimming the rest off to make butter), eating cheese, avocado, and other foods high in good fats. With fresh veggies from my own garden, and getting more from my parent's mini farm, I was eating pretty well. It just wasn't the standard diabetic diet, which obviously wasn't working for someone like me with insulin resistance.
I started really dropping weight during the time I was going hardcore on the primal. Then I hit a plateau, and I know now that it was probably because I had slacked off at the gym, and was eating too large of portions. Most people who are on the primal/paleo eating plan are already fairly in shape, so they have to eat more because they are working out hard, and have a lot more lean body mass to keep powered. For me that isn't the case. I have lots of stored energy in the form of fat, and I need to get my body into fat burning mode. When I ate too much my body wasn't turning to my stored fat to get energy, it was just using all that food I ate.
Now that I know this plateaus should be a little easier to overcome this time around: step up workouts, look at portions, and see where things need to be tweaked. At least that is going to be my strategy, or "strateej-ery" as Scooter from Borderlands would say. I'm pumped right now with the readings on my scale, and I'm going to keep positive that it will keep happening. The only other alternative if I can't drop the weight is gastric bypass. Frankly that doesn't sound like a fun option.
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